Activity Name: Alphagator
Age Group: 4 to 5 years old
Number of children: 10
Length of Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Area of development: Language & Cognitive skills
Age Group: 4 to 5 years old
Number of children: 10
Length of Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Area of development: Language & Cognitive skills
Goal of the Activity: Promoting recognition of the letters of the alphabet in a fun and
interactive way.
Objective of the Activity: The children will be able to retell the story and sing the alphabet confidently.
Materials required: “Alphagator” homemade interactive book
Objective of the Activity: The children will be able to retell the story and sing the alphabet confidently.
Materials required: “Alphagator” homemade interactive book
Alphabet song
Tell the children about the
Alphagator story.
My role: In this activity, I will tell a story to the children and show to
them the interactive book. I will ask an open-ended questions.
Detailed Progression of this activity:
Let the children sit on a semi-circle
and tell about the Alphagator story.
Ask the children what happened to the
Alphagator after he ate the first group of letters.
Ask the children what letter that
makes him not to fall sleep.
Let the child identify what letter
that plays snake on Alphagator’s tummy.
Let them guess if the Alphagator can
sleep tight on that night.
Ask the children to repeat two or
more words to practice vocabularies.
Transitions: Alphabet song, Aka
Backa Soda Cracker
Once there
was an Alpha-Gator
absolutely adored the alphabet.
He ate the
letters and had sweet
dreams all night long.
On Monday,
he ate the letters ABCDEF.
Then he
closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But the
pointy part of the A kept poking him in his tummy.
And he
couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
Tuesday, he ate the letters GHIJK.
Then he
closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But H and
I made a word and said it over and over- HI, HI, HI!
And he couldn’t
sleep a wink all night long!
Wednesday, he ate the letters LMNOP.
Then he
closed his eyes to get some sleep.
the O kept rolling back and forth in his tummy-
And he
couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
Thursday, he ate the letters QRSTUV.
Then he
closed his eyes to get some sleep.
But the S
kept saying SSSSS and playing snake in his tummy
And he
couldn’t sleep a wink all night long!
On Friday,
he ate the letters WXYZ.
Then he
closed his eyes to get some sleep.
And he
dreamed sweet Z’s all night.
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