remember I heard somebody saying "Hello madam, congratulations for having
a healthy baby boy". Everything for me that time was blurred however, I
knew that I have a baby. I cannot moved my body that very moment, but I tried
to open my eyes because I want to see my him. My heart was filled with joy and
contentment when I saw him on his crib beside me.
(Beloved DJ)
Truly I didn't saw you when you were
For I was sleeping
two days long
Epidural, anesthesia
and some medicine knocked me down
So your daddy took care of you as the days go
I never heard your first cry
Nor laugh or blob and I sighed
Three days when I woke up, you're in sight
An adorable, little one, perfect and right.
To me you are my everything
You fill my world and I'm hoping
Happiness and joy instead of suffering
Pain and trials that we're battling.
I love you DJ, my dearest little one
I'm so proud of you, that you are my son
My love for you is more than an ocean
Nothing compares and beyond.
posted, MLJ, Yahoo! Contributor Network (My Beloved DJ)
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