
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

First day of school as an LPN Student

6:39 pm 0 Comments
Oct. 10, 2017

         It was the first day of my school as an LPN. After a month of resting, well it's not really resting because I did a lot of things in the house doing some arts here and there with my children, went swimming, playing outside, etc.

Another thing were, waking up early morning, preparing and all the morning routine with my children was so chaotic and after I'm done, it took up all my energy that I need for my study.

I thought, I was ready for the school and well adjusted but when I was there inside the classroom, I was kind of lost, felt nervous and felt pressured. On the first day, there were so many information provided but only a few retain in my memory or maybe none, it was just like don't want to absorb in my brain.

However I am so thankful that my teachers are very nice, approachable and seems to be friendly. My classmates are younger than me except one lady which is 2-year older than me. They're also friendly and nice.

 I hope for the next day, I can fully adjust to my new routine as a student.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Transition Songs/Activities

7:58 pm 4 Comments
Acka Backa

Acka backa Soda Cracker
Acka Backa Boo

Acka backa Soda Cracker
Pass to You

Repeat the phrase as many as you want or until the game is over

Paper Fruit Basket

7:55 pm 0 Comments
Children loves doing something to make them busy. Aside from playing and doing circle time, etc. with them everyday. We introduce also arts and crafts for the 2 to 3 years old. Although, some of the children do not have patience of doing arts and do not have interest at all, we the educators will try to motivate them to do and finish what they started, this is to ensure that their cognitive skills and fine motor skills will develop.

One of the arts and crafts we did with our group in the daycare was making fruit basket as part of the theme for March 1 to 5. Our theme was about "Fruits and Vegetables".  This activity is intended for all the age group. For the 2 to 3 years old. I did cut all the materials, glued and form the basket together except the paper fruits.
Credits of this photo belongs to the owner...

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