Good News To Hear
5:10 pm
November 06, 2015
I am still nervous when I went to work because of the inspection
the day before. I am worried about everything, in my thought, maybe the
inspector had a bad comments
on me, maybe I made mistake or maybe I am not qualified to do the job.

Hahaha, after she released me from hugging, she said again
"Wow! you are highly qualified early childhood educator ranked/level #2
and you never told anybody here". She really talked so loud that her voice
had echoed the whole place. I replied what? "Who told you?"
The lady inspector said to our director that my ranked/level is
number 2 highly qualified early childhood educator. Ha? Wait, that is really
true? I cannot imagine. My co-educator told me to ask for salary increase based
on my title. For now, I did not went to the director to ask for salary
increase I will wait till she will offer but if not maybe I will pursue the
increase next year.
Hahaha! It was really a surprise Thank you Lord for the